BREAKING: ISIS HACKS United States @CENTCOM Twitter Account


The Twitter account for United States’ Central Command was apparently compromised Monday, possibly by agents connected to ISIS.

The account’s profile images were changed to black and white graphics with the phrases “Cyber Caliphate” and “I love you isis.”


A tweet containing the above text image followed and read:

Pentagon networks hacked 


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the CyberCaliphate under the auspices of ISIS continues its CyberJihad. While the US and its satellites kill our brothers in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan we broke into your networks and personal devices and know everything about you.

You’ll see no mercy infidels. ISIS is already here, we are in your PCs, in each military base. With Allah’s permission we are in CENTCOM now.

We won’t stop! We know everything about you, your wives and children.

U.S. soldiers! We’re watching you!

Here’s a part of confidential data from your mobile devices:

[download links deleted by Breaking 911]*

There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet! There is no law but Sharia!

*Download links led to additional military documents, which had been posted at file sharing websites such as

These tweets were soon followed by more posts ranging from apparent military scenarios to threats against U.S. troops.

“We won’t stop! We know everything about you, your wives and children,” one post blared.

“ISIS is already here, we are in your PCs, in each military base,” another warned.


CentCom’s YouTube channel has apparently also been compromised. The channel now includes at least two ISIS propaganda videos.

Central Command, based at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, manages U.S. military operations in the Middle East and is home to a multinational command center that has overseen the war on terror.

The U.S. government has not issued a response or statement regarding the hack. As of 1 p.m. ET, the cover photo and main image for the @CentCom account had been removed, but the threat tweets were still there.

Later messages included images of what were apparently spreadsheets labeled as containing the contact info and home addresses of retired U.S. army generals.

Other tweets claimed to include military plans from Pentagon networks. One such image showed a map of China with labels of different military assets. Another supposed Pentagon image featured a map of North Korea with labels for nuclear facilities.

A CENTCOM spokesman told TheBlaze that they’re “looking into it. We have more questions than answers but we expect to get answers.”

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